Dark Hunter Kuro Review + Walkthrough

This article is a walkthrough for “Dark Hunter Kurō” by the circle “PIEROCK GAMES”. You can download the game from Here. In addition to walkthrough charts and a list of H-scenes and conditions, it also includes various data such as where to obtain the Dragon Orb, so please be careful of spoilers.

Story Introduction

The protagonist, Kurō, works as a ” dark hunter ” in a town called Gasaki. The job of a dark hunter is to defeat the dark monsters that appear in this world, commonly known as ” Yamimon”. One day, Kurō receives a report that a large dark reaction has appeared in a forest on the outskirts of the town, and she decides to go to the site to investigate.

Kurō discovers a naked young man in Yamiana (the home base of Yamimon), which is thought to be where the dark reaction was coming from. His name is Sakana Tachio, and he was an ordinary Japanese businessman, but he ended up in this world after being reincarnated into another world, a common occurrence in light novels.

During the rescue, Tachio unconsciously absorbs and assimilates into the battle suit ” Yami Gear ” worn by Kurō. With nowhere else to go, Tachio ends up living as a freeloader in her house, taking care of all the household chores, while also helping out with her Yamigari activities as her battle suit…

Comments and reviews

①A battle system that makes full use of a variety of actions

This is a side-scrolling action game in which the player controls the main character, Kurō, and progresses through stages where enemies appear.  There are a variety of actions available for movement, and you can explore the map by making full use of a variety of actions such as triple jumps and wall walking.

Along the way, enemies called Yamimon may appear, and the protagonist, Kurō, has mastered the martial art of Maha Shinken , which allows her to fight enemies using martial arts. As with movement, there are multiple means of attack, with the two basic attacks being weak attacks and strong attacks that can be launched by consuming the power gauge.

When you hit an enemy, a skill gauge called ” Dark Power ” fills up, and by consuming this you can unleash powerful attacks such as the Gekkokyaku (Moonlight Kick), which unleashes a somersault kick, or the Zekkufuha (Extreme Wind Waves), which charges forward while guarding. The power of skills increases when used in succession, and there are 11 types in total , allowing you to perform brilliant combos with controls similar to those of a fighting game.

There are also a variety of other actions available, such as a special finishing blow that can be unleashed when a certain number of hits are reached , and a just defense that can be activated by dodging attacks at the right time, so the more you get used to the game, the more exhilarating it becomes to be able to attack enemies unilaterally.

Some enemies may launch H attacks on Kurō, seamlessly transitioning from battle to pixelated H animation. Also, Tachio’s semen, which has been assimilated with Kurō’s suit, contains ingredients that give Kurō strength, and it is possible to recover by having sex while exploring. Defeat by some boss enemies will also trigger a defeat H scene .

②Pure love sex at home

At the home base where Kurō and Tachio live, you will control Tachio instead of Kurō. By talking to Kurō, you can train and level up, and crystals needed for leveling up can be obtained by defeating enemies, and you can earn money by completing requests that can be accepted via mail at home.

By selecting the command ” I want to have sex♡ “, you will move to the bedroom and have sex with Kurō. In the pure love sex scenes here, you can basically switch between different positions and attacks by selecting commands, and in addition to pixel animations, there is also first-person perspective sex.

③ Impressions and reviews

This is the first work by the circle ” PIEROCK GAMES ,” and the main character is a busty hunter named Kurō. At key points in the story, there are American comic book-like scenes, which I think match the unique style of the game well. The tutorial explains how to play the game using gamepad commands, so it is recommended to play with a gamepad, but it is also possible to play with a keyboard without any problems.

However, at first it is difficult to understand which commands correspond to which actions, and it takes time to get used to it, so if you are interested, we recommend that you play the trial version before purchasing to check the operation feel. The operation keys can be freely changed in the options, so you can arrange them in a way that is easy for you to press.

Q&A Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to unlock all H-Scenes?
A. Defeat H scenes are also automatically collected, so once you clear the game, all will be unlocked.

Q. I can’t beat the enemy
A. You can always lower the difficulty level from the settings on your sofa at home.
When fighting a group of small enemies, it is important to use skills to quickly defeat troublesome enemies.
Personally, I think it’s dangerous to deal with enemies that spin and charge at you quickly, as their HP will be reduced all at once and their attacks will likely hit multiple times.
In addition to recovering with the D key, you can also use the Finish Blow to recover while attacking the enemy, so make use of it.


Keyboard Control
ActionKeyboard Key
Jump/ConfirmS key
Cancellation/Stamina RecoveryD key
Weak AttackA key
Strong AttackW key
guardSPACE key
Dismissal (Parry)Guard against enemy attacks with the SPACE key
backstepSPACE + ↓ key (Avoid enemy attacks)
dashSPACE+Direction key
Skills (Dark Techniques)SPACE + WASD keys
Quick SexE key (when energy gauge is 100%)
Wire ActionShift key
mysteryF key
Finishing BlowW key + D key
Menu open/closeQ key

Tips for playing

When fighting enemies, prioritize dealing with enemies that attack from a distance.
It takes time to defeat enemies with normal attacks alone, so make use of skills as well.
I recommend using ” Zekkūfuha (Extreme Wind Waves)”, which charges forward while guarding, as it consumes little power and is excellent.
Additionally, the finishing blow that can be delivered with 30 or more hits not only increases attack power but also recovers HP, so you’ll want to aim for it aggressively.

After clearing 1-1, you can relieve fatigue by giving a massage.
To operate with the keyboard, press SHIFT + SPACE.
If you increase your favorability by giving a massage, you can learn favorability skills.

Boss Strategy

Stage 1 (Mogurata):
If you get some distance from the boss, he will launch a charge attack.
This attack is easy to time, so parry it to reduce the purple gauge.
When the purple gauge runs out, he will enter a break state, so use a finishing blow or special move to reduce his HP in one go.

Stage 2 (Joe):
His rush attacks are quick, so you want to get close and try to parry him.
Many of his close-combat attacks are combos, so it’s easier to block the first one and then parry the second and subsequent attacks, which are easier to time.

Stage 2 (White Crow):
The attack speed is fast and it is difficult to parry.
There are many attacks, so if the enemy goes into an attacking motion, it is easier to parry by repeatedly tapping the guard.

Stage 3 (Gatekeeper):
If you wait at the left edge, it’s easier to dodge attacks and parry.
You can avoid the attacks of the tentacles above by crouching.
When the face glows purple, use the wire action to move up and attack the brain in the upper right while avoiding the attacks.
After a certain amount of time has passed, the brain will also launch an attack, so get off after attacking a certain amount.

Stage 4 (Luke):
His attacking style is similar to Joe’s, but the timing of the parry is a little harder to grasp. The
jumping spinning slash can be parried repeatedly, so it’s easy to break if you corner him against the wall.

Stage 4 (White Crow):
The shockwave of his kick, which he unleashes at medium distance, can deal a lot of damage if you counter it, so it’s easier to fight if you keep a little distance.

Stage 5 (Dark Explosive Spirit):
The preparatory movement of the attack is large, making it easy to parry, but the enemy’s firepower is high, so if you miss, your HP will be greatly reduced.
If you are not good at parrying, try dashing to get behind the enemy and attacking them to steadily reduce the break gauge.

Stage 6 (White Crow):
Unlike previous stages, he will use a lot of long-distance attacks.
They are easy to parry, so it’s easier to fight if you keep a certain distance.

??? (Final Boss):
He has a lot of attacks, so if you get close and press guard repeatedly, it’s easy to parry him.
He attacks from a long distance, so be careful even if there are enemies off-screen.

Mission / Quest

Mission / QuestAchievement Condition
Warm-upEliminate the enemy
Show me your judgementSuccessfully parry 5 times
Mushroom huntingFind 3 Chichi Mushrooms
Catch me a fishCatch as many fish as possible within the time limit
Giant Yamimon Extermination RequestKill Molecula quickly
Request for PV appearanceClear a stage quickly
I’ll give you a new toyKill Joe quickly
Can I order some more fish?Catch as many fish as possible within the time limit
Mutant Extermination RequestDefeat an enemy using a charged strong attack after dodging
Speed ​​Run CompetitionClear a stage quickly
Request for re-appearanceDefeat an enemy using a charged strong attack after dodging
Kuro help meQuickly defeat the Dark Spirit
I need a lot of fishCatch as many fish as possible within the time limit
Boss Challenge RenewalDefeat the White Crow quickly
How about this?Quickly defeat the final form of White Crow
Please accompany me in my training.Defeat the final boss quickly

Where to get Dragon Orbs

stageFirst locationSecond locationThird location
tutorial ahead
Southeast of the first save pointSecond save point east
1-4West of the first save point
, past the dark icicles
After crossing two rocks along the waySoutheast of the gas spewing area
1-5East of the dark icicle spawn pointAfter defeating the enemy beyond the first save point,
you can reach this location by kicking the wall to the north.
East of the first Dark Gate
2-1Starting point eastNorth before moving to the second areaGo to the second area and go east.
2-2First enemy area northWest of the danger signFinal Area Northeast
2-4Northeast of starting pointSouthwest of the first save pointSecond save point north
2-5Northwest of starting pointRoad addiction areaNorth side of the second area
3-1Second Area SouthArea C-1 NorthwestArea C-2 Northwest
3-3Area E-1 NorthwestPut in three batteries and
go forward to the small room
Area G-1 on the way
5-1From the northwest of the second area,
move via wire
Northwest of the first save pointSecond save point northeast
5-2Southeast of the starting pointSouthwest of the second area:
After crossing the lower route using rope action
At the third fork in the road,
go left
6-1First area:
Place you can reach by sliding
Just after entering the third area, bottom rightNorthwest of the third area
6-2Go east at the first fork in the roadSecond area southwestAfter crossing the rocky foothold along the way

H scene list and conditions

Pure Love 1Talk to Red Wolf at home and select “I want to have sex”
Pure Love 2Talk to Red Wolf at home and select “I want to have sex”
Humiliation 1Defeated by Joe in Stage 2
Humiliation 2Defeat Luke in Stage 4
Other 1Occurs during Stage 5
Other 2Occurs during Stage 5

Various data

Skill List

skillDark Powereffect
Crackling Fist10Shoots out dark energy forward. The number of hits increases as the skill level increases.
Rotating Kick10Lightly jumps and performs continuous roundhouse kicks. The number of kicks increases as the skill level increases.
Moonlight Kick20Kicks the enemy while flipping. The number of hits increases as the skill level increases.
Gale Sky Fang Palm20Quickly runs forward and delivers a palm strike. The number of hits and power increase as the skill level increases.
Extreme Wind Waves20A technique that charges forward while guarding. At maximum skill level, a shock wave that lifts the enemy into the air has been added.
Dragon’s Hellfire Dance30Attacks the surrounding area with fire. Attack range and power increase as skill level increases.
Sky KickTenKicks the enemy into the air. The number of hits increases as the skill level increases.
Spiral Spear Leg20Jump into the air while spinning, a powerful finishing attack at Lv3
Shadow Bound20Sends out an explosive clone, Lv2 restrains opponent, Lv3 hits multiple enemies
Demon-Breaking Fist30Press the skill button again after starting the charge to activate the skill.

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